Survivors of Nazi Persecution, Refugees, Knowledge Actors

This article studies how Jewish and non-Jewish Polish survivors of Nazi persecution arriving in Sweden in 1945 as repatriates and associated with PIZ were knowledge actors who, along with Bolin and Łakociński, were part of a cultural translation of knowledge. I argue that driven by a dedication to gathering evidence and testimonies from other survivors for the sake of history and justice, t he survivors not only brought knowledge of persecution and suffering under theNazis to the PIZ initiative but also knowledge of scholarly and popular methods developed in Eastern Europe before and during the Second World War.

Suffering, Displacement, and the Circulation of Knowledge about Nazi Atrocities

“‘We suffered and can understand and orient this material.’ This quote suggests that suffering serves a key function in the circulation of knowledge because it can make sense of what might otherwise be disorienting material. The notion that suffering has epistemic value is progressive. Yet, this statement was made in 1948, not by a philosopher but by a Polish-Jewish survivor of Nazi persecution, Luba Melchior, who was a refugee in Sweden.”

Jadwiga Simon-Pietkiewicz: Reviving Forgotten Women Artists

Both the artist and her art are extraordinary. As a prisoner in Ravensbrück, she had risked death to draw and paint her fellow prisoners in the hope that the paintings, if not the people she painted, would survive to show the world what these women suffered at the hands of the Nazis. The risks she ran were not simply in the painting and drawing but also in “stealing” the necessary supplies needed to create these works of art and in effectively hiding them from her captors. Some of the artworks were smuggled out before her liberation while others were carefully concealed in her clothing on her arrival to Sweden.

What Women Want: A Review of “Political Women” by Maggie Andrews

Just because women have been formally excluded from politics for much of recorded history does not mean they have not been political actors. Even when disenfranchised and denied equal rights, women have fought for causes important to women and all people. Political Women by historian Professor Maggie Andrews (2024, Pen & Sword History) demonstrates this by exploring fifteen campaigns led by British women during the twentieth century that shaped the current century.

The "Princess Qajar" Meme: Junk History and Conceptions of Beauty

Dr. Victoria Martinez joins to debunk and explain Junk history is embodied a viral meme that portrays a nineteenth-century Persian princess with facial hair, alongside the claim that 13 men killed themselves over their unrequited love for her. While it fails miserably at historical accuracy, the meme succeeds at demonstrating how easily viral clickbait obscures and overshadows rich and meaningful stories from the past. It’s junk history! Episode 548

Bridging Research Praxes Across Pluralities of Knowledge (special issue of Culture Unbound)

How can researchers working both within and external to academia in all
disciplines and areas of research recognize knowledge produced in other spheres
and engage more ethically and collaboratively with that knowledge and those
who create and circulate it? This was the central question behind the Bridging
Research Praxes Across Pluralities of Knowledge conference held at Linkoping
University in Sweden and on Zoom in April 2022. At the heart of the conference
was the recognition that searching for answers to this question cannot be left to
arbitrary and haphazard engagements and encounters but must be motivated,
reflected on, and formulated clearly in ongoing discussions. This special issue
of Culture Unbound continues the discussions begun at the conference.

Afterlives: Jewish and Non-Jewish Polish Survivors of Nazi Persecution in Sweden Documenting Nazi Atrocities, 1945-1946

Victoria Van Orden Martínez’s thesis, Afterlives: Jewish and Non-Jewish Polish Survivors of Nazi Persecution in Sweden Documenting Nazi Atrocities, 1945-1946, examines how Polish survivors who came to Sweden in 1945 as refugees were engaged in transnational social and political processes, including documenting Nazi persecution and contributing to postwar humanitarian, human rights, and justice efforts.

Witnessing the Suffering of Others in Watercolor and Pencil: Jadwiga Simon-Pietkiewicz’s Holocaust Art Exhibited in Sweden, 1945–46

In the Holocaust’s immediate aftermath (1945–1946), a small gallery in Lund, Sweden exhibited the paintings and drawings of Polish artist Jadwiga Simon-Pietkiewicz, which depicted her former fellow inmates in the Ravensbrück concentration camp. This exhibit and subsequent exhibitions elsewhere in Sweden marked rare instances of early postwar Holocaust art displayed in a country that had been relatively unaffected by the Holocaust. By analyzing the response of the Swedish public and press to the artwork in these exhibits, as well as Swedish and international responses to “atrocity photos” of the liberation, the author broadens our understanding of Holocaust art, early testimonies, and agency and resistance during and after the Holocaust.

Monuments Cast Shadows: Remembering and Forgetting the ‘Dead Survivors’ of Nazi Persecution in Swedish Cemeteries

Chapter 13 in “Fallen Monuments and Contested Memorials,” edited by Juilee Decker. This chapter, co-authored with Malin Thor Tureby, takes an unexpected example of contested spaces of memory and heritage as a point of departure to consider and reflect on how ‘dead survivors’ of Nazism buried in Sweden have been commemorated. The analysis considers five Swedish cemeteries by delving into the sites’ past and present, the presence and absence of monuments and other forms of memorialization and contextualization, and how these aspects relate to the discursive and historiographical treatment of victims of Nazi persecution who came to Sweden in both historical and contemporary contexts, particularly in relation to issues of gender, place, and identity and belonging.

Uppståndelse i en kyrkby: Hur tusen polacker som överlevt nazisternas förföljelser startade nya liv i Smålands skogar (translated by Ylva Mörk)

Although the Polish survivors of Nazi persecution who came to the refugee camp in Öreryd were healthy enough to be moved from quarantine and hospitals, they were far from "recovered." They had just begun their long journey – physically, emotionally and psychologically – away from the atrocities they, their families and their homeland had been subjected to. Öreryd, like the other Swedish refugee camps, was only a short stop on the survivors' journeys from a life under Nazi oppression to something new and as yet unknown. (The chapter is in Swedish only.)

Documenting the Documenter: Piecing together the history of Polish Holocaust survivor-historian Luba Melchior

As the only Jewish survivor of Nazi persecution employed as part of the primarily non-Jewish PIZ historical commission and documentation center, Luba Melchior was responsible not only for interviewing other survivors, but also for the Jewish “section” of the institute. In this capacity, she coordinated and met with Dr. Nella Rost at the World Jewish Congress’ Jewish Historical Commission in Stockholm and collaborated with the Conseil des Associations Juives de Belgique (Council of Jewish Associations of Belgium) in Brussels. Although her role at PIZ is well known, she exists in most published research as little more than a footnote.

Shaping ongoing survival in a Swedish refugee camp: A refugee-centered history of Jewish and non-Jewish survivors of Nazi persecution in Sweden

Among the hundreds of sites that housed survivors of Nazi persecution who came to Sweden in the spring and summer of 1945, one of the largest was at the small village of Öreryd. Between June 1945 and September 1946, around a thousand Jewish and non-Jewish Polish survivors came to this site. This article contributes to filling a gap in refugee history in Sweden, dealing with how survivors experienced Swedish refugee camps and shaped the refugee camp environment on their own terms.

Indigenous Collections: Belongings, Decolonization, Contextualization (special issue of Collections journal)

It is my pleasure to welcome you to this focus issue of Collections journal, Indigenous Collections: Belongings, Decolonization, Contextualization. This general introduction is the first of several texts you will encounter in this volume, each the voice and perspective of one of the co-editors. These are interspersed with the voices and perspectives of the contributors. As you will see, these are a mix of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who have come together to make this issue a reality.

The 19th Century Swedish Novel Missing from the Feminist Literary Canon

What Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin did for the abolition movement in the United States, Fredrika Bremer’s 1856 novel Hertha did for the women’s movement in Sweden. Bremer’s boldly feminist novel graphically illustrated women’s oppression under Sweden’s antediluvian laws, and prompted a heated public debate that contributed to emerging social and legal changes for women. It also inspired an arm of the Swedish women's movement that continues to advocate for women today.

History dies deep in the woods: The forgotten Nazi concentration camp survivors in the forests of Småland

History has a way of being forgotten, whether by accident or design, especially when it’s painful. Histories with straightforward and happy endings make us feel good about ourselves and more hopeful about the outcome of our own uncertain times. Those that lack resolution or defy the need for an optimistic conclusion frequently exist in varying degrees of figurative darkness – ignored, neglected, forsaken. Sometimes, the darkness is also literal – a place so tucked away from view that the eyes of the collective consciousness barely need to look away to forget.
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