On this page you will find translations of my writing, press and other articles that quote or mention my research and writing, and occasions when I served as a historical consultant.


Articles written by others in which I’m quoted regarding my writing and research.

La falsa historia de Qajar, la princesa con 13 pretendientes que se suicidaron por amor. (By Borja Rodrigo of El Confidencial)

As the viral “Princess Qajar” junk history meme makes its way around the world, some are taking not of its false and demeaning tone. Reporter Borja Rodrigo of Spain’s El Confidencial newspaper is one of these. He contacted me after finding my article on the subject, “‘Princess Qajar’ and the Problem with Junk History Memes” (which can be found on my History Articles page), and interviewed me for an extensive article on the subject.

What is beautiful? Really? (By Billy of SOWERS)

Billy of SOWERS was also suspicious of the so-called “Princess Qajar” junk history meme that I wrote about back in December 2017 on my A Bit of History blog, “‘Princess Qajar’ and the Problem with Junk History Memes” (which can be found on my History Articles page). During his investigations on the subject, he came across my article, which he quotes in his piece. It’s great to see positive momentum built in this way.

Gammalt flyktingläger lockade amerikan till Öreryd (By Hanna Nordemark)

In July 2017, I was interviewed for a Swedish newspaper, Värnamo Nyheter, about my research and writing on the World War II-era refugee camp in Öreryd, Sweden, for survivors of Nazi concentration camps. This is the resulting article, written by reporter Hanna Nordemark. You can find my original article, "History Dies Deep in the Woods: The forgotten Nazi concentration camp survivors in the forests of Småland," on my History Articles page.


Authorized translations of my writing into other languages. (Some links are PDFs.)

Polska förintelseöverlevare i Sverige

I avhandlingen Afterlives undersöks judiska och icke-judiska polacker som överlevde den nazistiska förföljelsen och kom till Sverige 1945 som så kallade repatriander och som hade kopplingar till Polska källinstitutet i Lund. Undersökningen fokuserar på hur de engagerade sig i transnationella sociala och politiska processer under tiden direkt efter kriget, bland annat hur de dokumenterade den nazistiska förföljelsen och bidrog till humanitärt och rättskipande arbete efter kriget.

Uppståndelse i en kyrkby: Hur tusen polacker som överlevt nazisternas förföljelser startade nya liv i Smålands skogar (translated by Ylva Mörk)

Although the Polish survivors of Nazi persecution who came to the refugee camp in Öreryd were healthy enough to be moved from quarantine and hospitals, they were far from "recovered." They had just begun their long journey – physically, emotionally and psychologically – away from the atrocities they, their families and their homeland had been subjected to. Öreryd, like the other Swedish refugee camps, was only a short stop on the survivors' journeys from a life under Nazi oppression to something new and as yet unknown. (The chapter is in Swedish only.)

Medaljen i stenen kastar ljus över historien II (Swedish translation by Anneli Ahtee)

Anneli Ahtee, editor of Källan, the official publication of the Swedish Church in Lessebo municipality, translated my article on the very unusual gravestone I found in one of their churchyards. The first half of the Swedish translation of “A Beacon in Historical Darkness: The Medal Worn on the Grave” (which can be found on my History Articles page) was published in the first issue of 2018, and the second (attached here) in the third issue. It can be found in the linked PDF on pages 10-11 and 20.

Medaljen i stenen kastar ljus över historien (Swedish translation by Anneli Ahtee)

I was really pleased when I was contacted by someone from the Swedish Church in Lessebo municipality about translating my article on the very unusual gravestone I found there and printing it in their parish publication, Källan. Anneli Ahtee, the editor, translated the first half of “A Beacon in Historical Darkness: The Medal Worn on the Grave” (which can be found on my History Articles page) to Swedish and published it in the first issue of 2018. It can be found in the attached PDF on pages 11-12.

Historical Consultations

Works written and produced by others for which I served as a historical consultant.

Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory: A Canadian Memoir of a Happy Polish Childhood, Nazi Horror, and Swedish Refuge, by Halina Maria Czajkowska Robinson (2020)

In fall 2019, I was contacted by Jacalyn Duffin, PhD, who was working on editing the memoirs of Halina Maria Czajkowska Robinson, a Polish survivor of Nazi persecution who had come to Sweden in the aftermath of the Second World War. Halina had been at the refugee camp in Öreryd, Sweden, which I had researched and written about. I was able to find and provide Jacalyn and Halina with information and images, including an image of Halina in a 1946 Swedish newspaper article, which were used in the memoirs. I also had the privilege of reading and commenting on the manuscript prior to publication. It was a privilege to be a small part of the process of bringing these wonderful memoirs to fruition.

The Windsor Jewels, Saturday Drama - Radio 4 (by Robin Glendinning)

In 2004, I published the first of two articles on the 1946 theft of jewels belonging to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor (aka the former King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson). The following year, I was contacted by BBC Radio and asked to provide historical consultation on a forthcoming radio drama on the subject. I provided historical background and proofing on Robin Glendinning's script, which resulted in this Saturday Drama on Radio 4. One of my original articles, "Burglary on the Links: Unraveling the Mystery of the Stolen Windsor Jewels," can be found on my History Articles page.